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Student work

Anchor 6



Media: Computer paper, pre-cut shapes, glue sticks, and marker. 

Anchor 4
Anchor 1

1st Grade

Vangogh Irises

Media: Tempera paint, crayons, sharpies, elmers glue, and metalic markers.

2nd Grade

Practicing Warhol

Media:  neon cut paper, scissors, sketchbooks, and glue sticks.

Anchor 2

3rd grade

Picasso VS. calder

                       Painting: In the style of Picasso             Mobile: In the style of a Calder Mobile

Media: Opaque watercolor paint, watercolor paper, packaging tape, thin metalic paper, scissors, hole punchers, pipe cleaners, cardboard, and fishing string. 

Anchor 3

7th Grade 



Media: Newpaper, masking tape, plaster gauze, scissors, pencils, sand paper, and tempera paint.

                                    Students at work in Northwest Middle School


Anchor 5
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