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(484) 919-7247


OBJECTIVE Maintain a position in teaching art education. To differentiate instruction to fit
all of the students and schools needs in an arts setting.




Kutztown University of Pennsylvania: Kutztown, PA                                                                                                     

Masters in Art Education

Cumulative GPA: 4.0

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania: Kutztown, PA                                                                                         

B.S.  ED. Art Education

BFA Studio Art - Printmaking       

Cumulative GPA: 3.76


TEACHING EXPERIENCE                    


 Art Teacher                                                                                                                                                               

Thomas G. Morton Elementary, The School District of Philadelphia, 
            Philadelphia, PA

(K-5th grade)

  • Differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all of the students and
    be an asset in meeting the needs of the school in an art setting.


 Art Teacher                                                                                                                                                                 

Henry Houston Elementary, The School District of Philadelphia,
            Philadelphia, PA

(K-8th grade)

  • Differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all of the students and
    be an asset in meeting the needs of the school in an art setting.


 Art Teacher                                                                                                                                                               

Jay Cooke Elementary School, The School District of Philadelphia,
            Philadelphia, PA

(K-8th grade)

  • Differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all of the students and
    be an asset in meeting the needs of the school in an art setting.


Student Teaching         

Lower Nazareth Elementary School, Nazareth School District, Nazareth, PA                                                        
(K-3rd grade)

  • Assist art teacher, Co-teach and fully teach own lessons.

Northwest Middle School, Reading School District, Reading, PA                                                                        
(6-7th grade)

  • Assist art teacher, Co-teach and fully teach own lessons.


Early Field        

Lower Nazareth Elementary School, Nazareth School district, Nazareth, PA                                                  
(K-3rd grade)                                 Every Thursday

  •       Assist art teacher/practice in teaching lessons 


Arts Day

Exeter Township Senior High School, Exeter Township School District,                                                  
        Reading, PA. 

  • Composed Logo lesson.

Reiffton School, Exeter Township School District, Reading, PA.                                                                                        

  • Composed and co-taught a PA German themed lesson to
    all of the 6th grade.  

Willow Lane Elementary, East Penn School District, Macungie, PA.                                                                       

  • Co-taught one elementary lesson.



Distinguished National Art Education Association Student Chapter Award                    

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown, PA                                                                                                   


Dean’s list              

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, Kutztown, PA                                                                                                 



National Art Education Association Student Chapter,
Kutztown University 

  • Friday Night Out, Kutztown, PA                                                                                                                           

    • Teaching lessons to children from the 

  • Volunteer at the Reading Museum, Reading, PA.                                                                                            

  • Participate in the 75th, 76th, and 77th Annual Kutztown                                                                            
    Art Education Conference, Kutztown, PA


34th Annual Job Fair for Educators, Kutztown University                                                                                       

  • Check in educators, collect resumes, and guide people
    to the correct areas.




Cashier/Courtesy Clerk 

The Fresh Market, Center Valley, PA                                                                                                                         

  • Checking out costumer’s food, ensuring a good
    experience at our store, and fulfilling additional needs.


Tour Guide                               

Kutztown University Admissions Office, Kutztown, PA                                                                                             

  • Promote Kutztown University to diverse 

prospective students and families through campus tours.



Secretary of Kutztown University National Art Education Association                                                                
Kutztown, PA           


Historian of Kutztown University National Art Education Association                                                                  
Kutztown, PA      




Art Education and Crafts Senior Exhibition at the Miller Gallery, Kutztown, PA                                                

(Group, Juried) (April 16th-24th)

Salon Des Refuses at Ekhaus, Kutztown, PA (Group, Juried)                                                                                

(April 3rd-14th) 

Likeness at The Corner Gallery, Kutztown, PA (Solo, Juried)                                                                                

(February 5th-12th)

Expression Through Portraiture at The Corner Gallery, Kutztown, PA                                                                

(Solo, Juried) (September 11th-18th)

Industrial Prospects at Trolley Car, Jersey City, NJ (Group, Juried)                                                                     

(June 23rd – August 23rd)  

May 2021

May 2016


Fall 2019 - Present


Spring 2019 - Fall 2017


Spring 2017 - Fall 2016

Spring 2016



Spring 2016

Fall 2015


Fall 2013


Spring 2012


Fall 2012

Spring 2015 - Fall 2012

Spring 2015 - Fall 2012, Fall 2011

Spring 2016 - Fall 2012

Spring 2015

Spring 2015, Fall 2013, 2014, and 2015

Spring 2015


Fall 2015 - Summer 2016

Summer 2013 - Spring 2016


Spring 2015 - Fall 2014

Spring 2014 - Fall 2013

Spring 2016

Spring 2016 

Spring 2016 

Fall 2015

Summer 2015



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